The prominent features of wind climatology in India are the monsoon circulations. Wind in India are influenced by the strong south-west summer monsoon, which starts in May-June, when cool, humid air moves towards the land and the weaker north-east winter monsoon, which starts in October, when cool, dry air moves towards the ocean. During the period march to August, the winds are uniformly strong over the whole Indian Peninsula, except the eastern peninsular coast. Wind speeds during the period November to march are relatively weak, though higher winds are available during a part of the period on the Tamil Nadu coastline.

The potential is far from exhausted. The Centre for Wind Energy Technology has re-assessed that with the current level of technology, the ‘on-shore’ potential for utilization of wind energy for electricity generation is of the order of 102000 MW at 80meters hub-height, up from the earlier estimate of 49,000 MW.

Estimation of installed Wind Power Potential at 50m & 80m hub-height pdfico


  • Total Installed Capacity: 21,136.3 MW
  • Peak Demand Shortage: 9%
  • Energy Shortage: 8.7%
  • Growth in Demand: 3.7%
  • Proposed Installed Capacity : MW by 2020
  • Additional Capacity being added annually – Around 10000 MW.

The unexploited resource availability has the potential to sustain the growth of wind energy sector in India in the years to come.

Overall the future of Wind Energy in India is bright as energy security and self-sufficiency is identified as the major driver. The biggest advantage with wind energy is that the fuel is free, and also it doesn’t produce CO2 emission. Wind farm can be built reasonably fast, the wind farm land can be used for farming as well thus serving dual purpose, and it is cost-effective as compare to other forms of renewable energy.